Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Eyewitness CLE on May 1

On May 1, Public Defender Robert Wesley is hosting a CLE session with Karen A Newirth, Senior Fellow, Strategic Litigation Unit, The Innocence Project Inc.

Ms. Newirth will discuss modern strategies for litigating eyewitness identification cases in light of the recent National Academy of Science Report on eyewitness identification.

The session is free, but space is limited. It will be held May 1, 1 to 4 p.m.  at the Orange  County School District headquarters, 445 W. Amelia St., Orlando.

Reservations are required. RSVP to DefenderTraining@circuit9.org.

Our logo

The logo was designed for the Orange-Osceola Public Defender’s Office by professional comic book artist Leigh Walls.

Walls, a New York City native, interned with the legendary Marvel comics. He is known for developing numerous African-American superhero comic book characters, including Guardian Knight Presents.

Click here to see a video featuring Walls.