A Go Fund Me account established by a resident raised more
than $1,200 to pay Larry Thompson’s fines. Nearly three dozen people contributed to the
Mr. Thompson suffers from a terminal pulmonary condition and lives on a limited income. He was arrested for failing to pay court fees associated with a 2010 charge of driving on a
revoked license.
We’re appreciative that so many people contributed money to
help Mr. Thompson.
What happened to Mr. Thompson is one example of the thousands of low-value arrests of homeless and destitute people who can't afford to pay fines but pose no danger to public safety. Arresting them wastes police and jail resources.
What happened to Mr. Thompson is one example of the thousands of low-value arrests of homeless and destitute people who can't afford to pay fines but pose no danger to public safety. Arresting them wastes police and jail resources.
Orlando Sentinel Editorial