Friday, November 13, 2015

How PTSD affects clients

As human beings, we have all experienced events that impacted our lives in a significant way. Some experiences are positive but some are so traumatic that we never fully recover.

At the CFACDL luncheon next Wednesday (Nov. 18th), Dr. Sandra Neer will talk about the ways in which these traumatic experiences shape our lives and the lives of our clients. If your client has suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, how does this condition impact their perception of the world and most importantly, how do we as defense attorneys communicate this information to a jury?

Although Veterans Day has just passed, many vets can’t move past the trauma they’ve experienced. Come to CFACDL’s luncheon to learn more about this topic and the groundbreaking treatment for PTSD that is underway at UCF.

The luncheon is $10 and is located at the Sorosis Club at 501 E. Livingston St., 11:30 a.m. to 1 pm.  To register, send email to

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